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The War of Silly and Unsilly, also informally reffered to as the Wars of Silly and Unsilly, are a collection of battles in an overarching war with a global scale. It is the constituent of B.A.D's efforts in world domination through the Project Beastenator, the conflicts between the Insane army and the Sorrowers, the mysterious death of The Beast, and the motivation of the governments of Regalus and Bingustan for funding the war. It is regarded as the most influential and deadly war in the Silly Cats universe, and in the True timeline, even has continuations with DUCE and ARQ.



B.A.D before the War of the Silly and Unsilly were already a great terrorist organization that combined with Demetrus' clown army and the Cult of the Grinwatcher. They were led by the council, Gakster, George, the Grinwatcher (indirectly) , and Slorphus. Kiw was considered to be a part of the war, but he was demoted to a general during the latter half. The council was shaky and on the brim of collapse, but Gakster had the idea of getting revenge on his brother for stealing the opportunity of power from him in that moment.

The GOODings were beginning to form during this time, and 3KHURA, their tactical military subsidiary, were on the horizons of creation. Jinx and Maxwell had just discovered their prophecy.


The causes are hard to pinpoint. It is theorized to be the Silly City Circus Burning, where two suspects were found and broadcasted on television: Ah So Cat and Insam, popular rivals in pranks and tricks. The circus burning was also coincidentally added on with the Clown Uprising in the same amusement park, which saw a deadly gunfight between Jinx and her crew and the clown cats. Mobs and protests began forming after the event by just weeks.

A second event that is thought to have caused the war was the accidental releasing of The Beast and The Yeast from Ristle Cave by Billy. This caused major problems in the public.

In the lower parts, it is thought that the failed development of the Beastenator 200 prototype, due to the intercepting of Babem's transfer of the main component, E. Scrunk's drum accelerator, to have been a motivation for this war.

Regalus, however, was intent on starting the war, because they needed a great improvement in their already growing armed weapons business. A new war meant a new source of income for a blizzard-ridden country, that required money for corrupt officials.


B.A.D was on the rise, and headed to Bingustan for funding. They created a secret pact with Bingustan and Regalus such that they fund their new project in the works, the Project Beastenator. The Project Beastenator was a project aimed at creating a mass destruction weapon capable of using the Beast's unsilly energy to create a strong weapon unmatched by anything beforehand. B.A.D used the money in store to bribe Bingustani officials into agreeing with this pact, and this flew under the nose of the Eeperia king, Snuggles. This ended up beginning a civil war in Bingustan between the leader of the B.A.D supporting bingustani officials Prince bingulius. and the loyal prime minister of bingustan Bing Bingo and their followers who were trying to stop B.A.Ds pact and help The Goodings instead, ending with Bingulius taking control of most of the country

In the city, two mobs were forming, the Sorrowers, who believed that Insam was the cause of the Silly City Circus Burning, and the Insane army, who believed it was Ah So Cat. They were rapidly gaining military strength, and a revolt was in the works.

In this time as well, The GOODings had just opened up hirings for soldiers for their new tactical military division, 3KHURA. (3 Knights Honorary United Rebel Army). This army would quickly grow, and their first battle was in the works. The GOODings had just got an offer from Bentley to begin using his farm as a new base of operations, which would start a great series of base changes during the war for Jinx's crew. When they reached the base, they employed their first soldiers, Doo Doo Fart, and Zoom Zinger, who volunteered to be a pilot. Bentley helped them out as well. In this time, Zoom Zinger would train as a pilot.

Battle of Glouburg Hill[]

The Sorrowers and the Insane army both had travelled to Glouburg Hill to make their first move. A standoff happened at the hill until the first shots were fired. When it happened, the untrained mobs charged into each other with full force. 1600 casualties were estimated to have happened during this battle, but it would set up the stage for the two rebel mobs fighting against each other.

The succeeding end of the battle was the Sorrowers, who adopted the hill as their new base for the rest of the war. The Insane Army however, began sailing across the far end of the ocean, and into the Walmauri Peninsula to set up their bases in the Almanga Jungle (It's also called by just Almanga). Ah So Cat and Insam would go into hiding however, heading into a military bunker.

Beastenator 400's Development[]

Classified documents had been leaked to The GOODings from a good scout of theirs that B.A.D was beginning to set up bases around the world. In Almanga, Pensparce, Bingustan, and Regalus, B.A.D bases were sprawling. B.A.D had the intention to develop the new prototype for the Project Beastenator, the Beastenator 400. This was a weapon consistent of a portable intercontinental missile launching system that was controlled using a secret digital mainframe. B.A.D had already began employing bases to accomodate for their new project, nicknamed DEKE 400, and the news spread.

The GOODings made the decision, when they had enough men, that 3KHURA would split into different scout teams and spread across the world to infiltrate B.A.D bases. Some forces were also split into military personnel, who were intended to fight battles on the battlefield. Jinx stayed with the crew in a military personnel team, and decided to travel up north into the forests, closing on the borders of Regalus.

The Almangan Massacres[]

One of the places B.A.D bases were set up to accommodate for DEKE 400 was in Almanga. It was led by $24.50. He was chosen for this position because of his rather unorthodox methods. He also had a questionable sanity. He had a very ruthless and merciless method of controlling the rural villages in Almanga. Many revolts happened, but he sent B.A.D agents across the small region to kill them all, even those who didn't revolt. These massacres became known as the Almangan Massacres.

Revolt in Kitty City[]

Just north of Silly City, Kitty City was taken by the fast-moving forces of the Sorrowers. They had caused a rebellion in, and motivated the crowds to join their forces. B.A.D quickly took advantage of this, and jumped into the battle to throw out the Sorrowers, and take control of a new city, hopefully. The GOODings were travelling close to the city, and closed the borders.

They decided to set up their armies in wait at the southwest border of the city, but eventually began charging in through all the alleyways of the city and shooting at the B.A.Ds. Out of the blue, Gakster and Kiw came from a helicopter up above and jumped into the battlefield to begin fighting alongside B.A.D. Jinx quickly rushed Gakster, and they had a tussle, but Gakster used unpredictable mind control to throw Jinx off her balance, and kicked her headlong into the ground from a hill. This caused Jinx to faint. In her place, Doo Doo Fart fought Gakster, but he was lost in the chaos of the B.A.D's closing in on them, and Gakster had exited the situation calmly alongside Kiw, getting a bandage over his knuckles from Jinx using a sharp metal pipe that slid into the back of his hand. The GOODings had to retreat from their battle, and exit the situation, knowing now they had lost a part of the war.

Plymouth Factory Shootout[]

Demetrus P. Dinklebottom had escaped with some of the close members of his old gang into a hideout of the abandoned Plymouth Factory. Some of his close members included Pobis. The factory was known as Plymouth Factory which produced plastic bottles.

Following the Battle of Glouburg Hill, the SCPD (Silly City Police Department) invaded the factory. The police broke in through the back and threw a smoke bomb to blind the members. The gang was caught by surprise and they started shooting blindly. The police started shooting back as well, although they were armed with technology that could see through the smoke, so they had the upper hand. 16 members were killed but 8 got away, including Demetrus P. Dinklebottom, who escaped via his extreme gymnastic and athletic skills he got from his clown days.

Pobis however, was a strong target, and was captured by the police, and sent in to the SBI for interrogation.

Raid on Austern[]

The GOODings had retreated into the town of Austern to rest for a moment, and prepare for their next move. They had just lost 2 cities to the B.A.D's, and would definitely not convince the Sorrowers south at Glouburg to join them. This was their last opportunity in a Silly Country city to regain strength over the B.A.D's. Thankfully, spies from 3KHURA were able to disarm 2 bases in Regalus on the northern side of the continent, and they were recuperating for a moment. They had to fight back at some point, right?

The B.A.D's joined together and travelled south into the village, wrecking it with true military force. Before, they were using guns and soldiers, but for the first time, B.A.D began using tanks imported from Bingustan, that wrecked over the farmland, and blew apart the huts. Jinx and her crew made a run for it, and decided not to look back. Behind them, a village of innocent kitties were being murdered, and realistically, there was no way to try and stop it. In this raid, Belize was also kidnapped and turned into a spy for B.A.D.

Battle of No Man's Land[]

Jinx and the crew had travelled far west out of silly country into a barren land. They were able to find an old military warehouse, where they found multiple weapons. Edward and Future Kitty began setting up a new secret communication method between them and the governments of Silly Country and Eeperia, who were their only possible allies. This method would help them greatly work in the war, and they were able to get an alliance between Silly Country, and the SCAF (Silly City Armed Forces). The SCAF had a particularly strong aerial army, and were fine with sending them some of their soldiers. Although, they weren't always very strong. Thanks to one of their top spies, Arthur, they had gained information on the other sides and they had come prepared.

The Gnarp Gnaplians had made their final choice to jump in and see what Silly Planet was all about, and so they decided send a team of explorers to find out. It was only a matter of a few hours until they would land somewhere around No Man's Land. They sent in Glorpo, Geeble, Glombie, and Glooble. Geeble was the leader of the troop and Glooble was their main defender. No Man's Land was already a testing site for the SCAF's military weaponry so it was a bit dangerous to walk through. It was a good point to own though because it was in the middle of several powerful areas.

B.A.D had split a part of their army to deal with The GOODings, what they deemed as "another unnecessary rebel group." They would send in Bingustani soldiers, and strong tanks. No Man's Land was flat except for a few hills, and for fun, the crew decided to test out their positions and capabilities.

B.A.D charged immediately when they found The GOODings in their bases. Doo Doo Fart, who had finally learned how to use rocket launchers, began using his rocket launcher to shoot down tanks there, but to his surprise, an unexpected division of B.A.D's army had also jumped in. The crew began taking a last stand atop their warehouse, shooting down soldiers, and refusing to move. The B.A.D forces seemed to multiply, and they were quickly getting overpowered.

That's when the Gnarp Gnaplians sent down their spacecraft onto the land, and began jumping into battle. The GOODings were surprised, as this was the first time they saw the aliens, but they were able to use this power to their advantage. For 3 hours, the battle lasted on, and many kitties died in the crossfire. In addition to that, the forces sent from the SCAF flew over the area, bombing and gassing the place. All three sides began digging trenches, and after a week, they were ready.

The Gnarp Gnaplians also jumped into the trenches, and that is when they were able to introduce each other. The next phase of the war began, and The GOODings were ready. They sent out a soldier to look over the field, and start firing, but he ran back shouting that the opposition were all dead. Nobody cheered, and nobody was happy about it. Bingustani soldiers, as evil as their higher-ups were, died in the crossfire of a gassing of a battlefield. This is when Jinx began to have a darker outlook on the war. It turns out, the leader of the Gnarp Gnaplian troop, Glooble, had killed the entire Bingustani flank with help from Glombie. Unfortunately, Glombie was struck by a bomber plane and he bled out on the battlefield.

The Gnarp Gnaplians travelled out of No Man's Land, assuming they had conquered the place, and travelled southwest. Jinx's crew, who had also suffered mass casualties began taking a cross-continent journey down into the next port, hoping to secure a location in the Walmauri Peninsula.

Battle of Bustein and the Downfall of Gogaville[]

Bustein was a peaceful village near Almanga. This would not last when a division of radicalist B.A.D members raided the town. They went against their orders and started pillaging the area. The GOODings were alerted to this and they sent a division with Floppa as the leader. Floppa led the troops into area. They soon found Slorphus at the center of the town, beating an innocent villager to death. Floppa was enraged by this and he lunged at Slorphus. After a quick fist fight, Floppa ripped Slorphus' collar off and he suddenly disappeared into a thick cloud of dark smoke. The GOODings searched the wrecked village and they found some not-so pretty sights. They found Toby sucking the soul out of a villager and one of the team members took out a vile of holy water and and a bible. He began reciting passages and Toby growled and the team member, revealed to be a priest, exorcised Toby. Toby's mission was to get back at Maxwell, but he failed at this task.

Meanwhile, the fort of Gogaville was forming. The division of B.A.D from Bustein, saw this fort being created. The fort was being created by Goga Cat, who has assembled an army out of his followers. He was very selfish and scoffed at the sight of B.A.D soldiers. He watched as they sat in wait. The next night, Goga Cat ran out of the fort, abandoning his army. The army soon fell as they were ambushed. They couldn't stop the force without their leader.

Failed Siege at Silly Town[]

The mayor of Silly Town, Sneezy Cat, had been alerted to B.A.D's arrival by the SCAF three days prior. He quickly used the construction workers of the city to fortify walls around it. When a division of B.A.D's army arrived, they were greeted by sewage water. The locals had united in getting water bottles filled with sewage water, and essentially stoned the army away. This resulted in an area of Silly Country remaining unconquered even during the heights of the war.

Tensions in B.A.D & The Finalization of DEKE 400[]

B.A.D was always full of tensions, but after their extreme loss in No Man's Land, tensions within the council began to happen more. The Grinwatcher was not in favor of the way Gakster was managing the group. He seemed to lean more in favor of Regalus. This was suspected to be because Gakster had an affair with a woman from Regalus, or controversies saying that somebody had blackmailed him into working on behalf of the Regalus Armed Weapons business, with choices such as employing a larger army, and cutting parts of the funding into the control bases in Regalus, with a good excuse being that they were infiltrated commonly by 3KHURA scouts.

This led to Gakster's excommunication from B.A.D by the Grinwatcher. He was now an enemy of B.A.D even though he was the who created it. Gakster would later be killed in his apartment in Regalus by Glumbus, who enacted revenge on the unsilly kitty for trapping him in a sock for nearly an eternity.

The Grinwatcher used this newfound power vacuum in order to gain complete control of B.A.D, in what he intended to be his ultimate plan from the start. World domination was his, and he no longer had to apply to Gakster's wants. The Grinwatcher redirected funding for the Project Beastenator back with a focus on the Beastenator 400. Manufacturing of the machine became extremely easy, and in no time, the Beastenator 400, nicknamed 'DEKE 400' by engineers, was ready. He ordered that the weapon was to be moved into the old battlefield of No Man's Land, as it provided the right place to bomb virtually any place they wanted. To avoid infiltration from 3KHURA, he also made sure that the control network for the machine was to be completely digital, believing that The GOODings could never be able to hack their systems.

B.A.D began on a trip to move the machine from the depths of Regalus and into the heart of No Man's Land. It would take 10 months for them to move it. This was also the amount of time that Jinx and her crew needed to sail their way into Almanga.

Meeting Tudou at the Deri Heights[]

The GOODings had just finished a 10 month journey through the continent, and had sailed over into the Walmauri Peninsula, and straight into a southern port by the great plateaus called the Deri Heights. Jinx and her crew travelled miles, but were able to climb the mountains. They then found the small Deri Village. This is where they set up their new base of operations. In this base, they found Tudou, the local miracle boy. Tudou had a magical notebook that could draw anything into life.

E. Scrunk saw the potential in this, and decided to work with Tudou in designing official supplies for 3KHURA. This involved armor, and a new set of firearms and weapons titled the DET Series. Every 3KHURA soldier got a new uniform, which was quite light and cheap, as well as a DET-M2 or M1, with the unique handheld pistol, the DET-SH4.

Jinx and some of her friends decided to travel north into the Almangan Lighthouse, where they would find a sneaky surprise.

Battle at the Almangan Lighthouse[]

When Jinx and her crew arrived, they found the Gnarp Gnaplians were fighting against the Insane army. Jinx decided to call The GOODings, and the battle began. The Gnarp Gnaplians used their sneaky skill of shapeshifting, and their advanced warfare weapons, to dominate the center of the jungle battlefield. Jinx however, took advantage of the jungle, and began using guerilla warfare tactics to slowly disarm each member of the Gnarp Gnaplians with the help of the Insane Army.

The Gnarp Gnaplians had a strong motivation to add Silly Planet to their growing empire. But they were slowly shown that this planet was not just another part of their galactic empire. Geeble, the leader of the group said this to Jinx, through a translation from Glooble.

"We will not fight you anymore. We are only looking to spread our empire. But it seems you are not the kind to be conquered. I understand you, Black Cat daughter of the Lineage, that you have good intentions in the war you are fighting. A kitty with good intentions, and a silly kitty is as free as the phoenix. We will leave you to your world, and we will return to ours."

With that, the Gnarp Gnaplians cancelled their plan to conquer Silly Planet, and went off, probably to discover new horizons.

Second Battle of Glouburg Hill[]

The Sorrowers had quickly grown lazy, and had stopped putting their guard on Glouburg Hill. Instead, they began building a village there to finally settle from the war, assuming that since the Insane Army was across the continent, they would be safe. Quickly, and without warning, a third mob had developed from the countryside, and raided in the hill, pillaging Glouburg hill in a matter of 30 minutes. The Sorrowers died on the hill they earned, leaving no riches. The Sorrowers lost a detrimental amount of soldiers. It was less of a battle and more of a massacre. The Insane Army played with their prey, injuring them severely, but not enough die. And then, with a single gunshot, they would shoot them in the head.

Cancelled Missile Strike[]

B.A.D had gotten ready to start their new missile strike. They wanted to target one of the only enemies that were contained in one place. That was The GOODings. They mistook the position they were last in for Eeperia, but believed that bombing the city of Eeplopolis, would give them control over the one country that persisted during the war. Similarly, Edward at the time, was working along with Future Kitty to find out how to access DEKE's mainframe.

The day was quiet but the only base that was willing to make the decision was a Regalus base, led by decisions from Kiw, who was put in place of Gakster, to start the first missile launch of the Beastenator 400, better known as DEKE 400.

Edward logged into the mainframe and realized that one of the orders were communicated over the mainframe. He decided to start looking for the best way to shut down the system. It would only take 10 minutes to verify the decision of blowing the missile onto Eeplopolis, so he had 10 minutes to work.

A Regalus engineer however, noticed that an unknown user was sifting through DEKE's mainframe. He began trying to fight him by reinforcing the missile strike and locking the decision.

Edward however, decided to look for the best way to corrupt the DEKE mainframe such that the weapon could not be used again. An intercontinental missile launching system capable of wiping cities should not have been in the hands of B.A.D, so he began building a macro virus to wipe out all the binary codes on the DEKE missile computer, preventing it from even launching the missile, in lieu of his previous idea to cancel the strike.

It took a hefty amount of time, but just in the final second, the DEKE missile received the message. It already had the macro virus, which ran at the same. The computer bricked, and the DEKE mainframe shut down temporarily. This was a major success on the level of that of the war, and with this, mass nuclear armageddon was prevented.

The Eeperian Safehouse[]

Jinx and the gang following the battle at the Almangan Lighthouse, began travelling to Plimpus' house. The Meeper had sent them a message that he was a "good place for you to stay in." Plimpus also had the tooth, which Jinx could use to fulfill the prophecy of the 2 year war that she was thrown into all this time. Edward and E. Scrunk had grown far too old by that time to travel with them, and feared something bad may happen, so they stayed with Tudou and communicated via burst radio calls. Jinx would travel with her crew and Brainless in one singular car across the country in a month to get the tooth and finish the battle.

On the way, B.A.D had amassed jets from Regalus, that were fresh off of production, and they had found Jinx was travelling over the area into Plimpus' house. They sent the jets to perform an aerial bombing, but The GOODings were able to survive it. Doo Doo Fart launched rockets at the jets, and knocked some of them down. Brainless used his excellent driving skills to avoid the bombs on the road, and keep them intact. It was an impossible journey for the crew, but suddenly, Zoom Zinger sent a burst message over the radio.

Zoom Zinger began single-handedly killing the entirety of the jet forces over them, and when both of them were out of fuel, Zoom Zinger landed in the stormy desert and reunited with Jinx. The car was out of fuel, and they were in the middle of nowhere, so they had to walk the rest of the journey to Plimpus' house.

The Final Battle[]

Jinx and her crew had finally gotten to Plimpus' house. Plimpus forged The Tooth into a sword, and began teaching Jinx some swordfighting skills. The GOODings decided to stay in Plimpus' house, but they got ambushed by B.A.D. This was the last time they would ever be ambushed. They waited 8 weeks, and before long, B.A.D caught on.

The day was stormy, the clouds were dark, and the sand whirled violently in the air. Whatever was left of The GOODings was there at Plimpus' house, ready for the final battle. Eeperia promised to send in their cavalry, and Maxwell promised to lead the cavalry into battle, despite him never riding a horse before. SCAF planes were on guard around the area, and soon enough they would land in to bomb the place. The Insane Army also joined the battle, having a thirst for the victory they had at Glouburg Hill. Bingustani soldiers were ready to fight and would come alongside B.A.D. 3KHURA also redirected a good amount of their soldiers into the battle as support. Everybody got ready.

B.A.D came in with tanks, a giant plasma beamer, and The Beast who had grown a little restless after not getting enough sleep. (Contrary to popular belief, The Beast was actually very cunning. He used his beast-like traits as a front to fool other kitties into thinking he wasn't a threat). B.A.D had quickly developed the final unit of their Project Beastenator, the Beastenator 4000. The Beastenator 4000 was a handheld plasma beam cannon that used the Unsilly energy of The Beast to power itself, and could fire several hundred meters away.

The battle was impossibly fought, and was one of the most disgusting and bloody battles of the war, only beaten by the the Second Battle of Glouburg Hill. Many kitties died in it, including Maxwell (He was later found alive in the spin-off, Silly Cats: The Movie but he died from his injuries in the same film), who led the cavalry to flank from the side, but was caught by a rogue bullet, and Future Kitty, who was struck at the hands of The Beast. The Beast only said one thing, "Pathetic."

Edward and E. Scrunk listened in horror as they heard Future Kitty's death, which was one of the saddest. Future Kitty had been struck with strong claw marks. His cybernetic replacements were beyond repair, and for the first time in years, Future Kitty felt pain, and in the most agonizing way possible (He only experiences pain on his non-robotic parts). His breathing malfunctioned, and he felt the strong pulsations of blood spurting out of his wounds. Future Kitty decided to delete everything on his C.I.C out of sheer pain, including his consciousness.

After it, Edward solemnly explained to Jinx that the prophecy was never real. The prophecy was actually never anything with any real prophetic strength to it. He went on to say.

"I know you're angry at me, Jinx. The prophecy isn't real. It was never real. It was just a poem we the Poets wrote with blindfolds over our eyes. It pains me to even admit this to you Jinx. The only thing that matters, is what and who is around us. It was never about the Prophecy. It was about The Promise. The promise that all kitties should be silly. Everybody hated you for being silly, but it's the only thing that you ever needed to do. Be silly, Jinx. And don't let anybody else tell you that's unsilly. Now, let's kill The Beast once and for all."

The crops were burning around them, and sand flying in puffs about her. Jinx rode off on Plimpus' horse, and lunged at The Beast, killing him. The Beast was distracted and felt a strong pain in his back. The Tooth had plunged into him, he looked back and cackled. Jinx watched as The Beast collapsed, writhing as the Tooth's poison spread through his body. The Beast was dead. B.A.D saw this, and ran away. Following the war, members of BAD either fled or were arrested and executed publicly for their war crimes and national level embezzlement of money, and the creation of mass destruction weapons targeted at civil areas. The Grinwatcher, who led the war by that time, was executed on TV by shooting. The Grinwatcher laughed maniacally the entire time of his execution until he was shot in the back of his head by an executioner.


After the war, it turned out that The Beast used by BAD was actually The Yeast. They are identical twins, so the council of BAD never really cared. The Beast was actually killed by a man named Beast Eater, who Jinx later killed in a duel on her way back home, ending the eternal search for the man who almost destroyed the Project Beastenator for Regalus and BAD.

Silly Gallery[]
