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Silly Cat TV Series Wiki
Silly Cat TV Series Wiki
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Places in Silly City[]

Name Location Owner Description Type
Silly Drinks
Silly Drinks Silly Drinks Co, Hinkle Dinkle Silly Drinks is a popular beverage store in Silly City, which sells only one product, Silly Fizz Company, Beverage Store
World's Champion Staring Contest
World Champion Staring Contest
Downhill, Silly City Uncle World's Champion Staring Contest is an landmark building in silly city, it's very well-known for their intense contest that involves staring at each other Entertainment, Contest
Silly Airlines
Silly Airlines-bg
Fort, Silly City Meowair, Gilbert Silly Airlines is the main airline company from the silly city and the plane with the 4.5 stars review and generally a high quality airlines company and also has a friendly affliation with none other than the hard landing famous "Meowair". Company, Facilities, Transportation
Sideways, Silly City Bert The german car manufacture and one of the best sellings the entire silly city Company, Transportation and Tour
Sillyton Adventureland
Sillyton Adventureland
Silly City SillyKitty .CO, Axle the Kitty Sillyton Adventureland is a popular Amusement park for little kitties (ages 4-16) in Silly City. Amusement Park, Entertainment

Places in Silly Town[]

Places in Outer Silly Country[]

Name Location Owner Description Type
Mount Silly
Mount Silly
North of Silly City Famous for its hiking trails and tourist attractions. These include the remains of a ruined town and Bob's wizard tower. Hiking, tourist attractions
No Man's Land
No Man's Land
Northwest of Silly City Originally a large area of farmland now scarred by war. No one has lived in the area after the war. The land is declared uninhabitable. Tourist attraction
Almanga Jungle
Almanga Jungle
West of Silly City A stretch of jungle that stands as a testament to time. It is dangerous to traverse due to pitfalls and sharp vines. It is also has a rich history to explore. Thrill-seeking, Tourist Attraction

|- |Temple of the Beast

Temple of the Beast

|Inside the Almanga Jungle |B.A.D (Formerly)
The GOODings (Currently) |A mysterious temple located inside the Almanga Jungle that holds secrets from centuries past. It was used as a prison by B.A.D during the War of the Silly and Unsilly. |Thrill-seeking, Tourist Attraction |}
