Silly Cat TV Series Wiki


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Silly Cat TV Series Wiki

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Jose is a major character in the "Time To Rest.." arc.


Silly Cats[]

Jose is a major character in the "Time To Rest..." arc, joining the goodings after a time-skip, and gets murdered (womp womp).

Silly Cats: Babies[]

Jose was supposed to act as a caretaker to the main cast, as you can see in all the scripts, beta episodes, and early meetings.

Silly Cats: Online[]

Jose is an early mission, only asking for 5 Silly Bucks because he forgot his wallet.

Call of Kitty: Silly Ops[]

Jose is part of The Goodings in the war, with him being a healer mostly.


Jose was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, or as he was told the "Heart of Mexico". He moved to the USA with his dream of opening a bar, he didn't realize how much work it would take, and ended up almost going bankrupt from the competition, so later, he moved to Silly City. He bought a used food van and gave it make-over to fit the theme. He travelled all over, until deciding a spot. he took out a loan and bought out a building, naming it "Taste of Mexico". After an amazing 5 years, he sees the main cast come in, they order drinks, and sit down. They all get along well, and Jose decides to stick around. After a time skip Maxwell asks jose to join The GOODings, which he accepts. He later left his bar to his son, Timmy, Since he needed some money he took a part-time job to clean a train, not realizing that it was the train that was the Meowtic Express train, since he didnt go. after a few seconds of cleaning, he is killed off-screen by a hooded figure.


Jose is an alcoholic
