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Silly Cat TV Series Wiki

Tudou (土豆, Tǔdòu), also named Dimden, is the careful artistic cat who has the power of a magical notebook he found in a cave.


Tudou was born in an artistic middle-class family. When he was 5 he began to draw things perfectly to the point where the art teacher banned him from her classes due to her jealousy of Tudou's art. when he was 9, he was hiking with his family when he suddenly found a cave. He tumbled and fell down the cave but stood up like a champion. Tudou saw a notebook on a pillar. Tudou, who was passionate about art, grabbed the notebook and climbed back up from the cave like nothing happened. His mother asked what happened. He said, "I found this interesting looking book, 'Ma,". As Tudou entered his bedroom and began to draw, his art appeared in front of him. He somehow had found a magical notebook that could spawn anything he drew. Tudou wasn't ready to become rich, so he used the notebook whenever he was bored. He later wanted to fight evil in the world, so he joined The GOODings.

At the start of the War of the Silly and Unsilly, Tudou thought of an idea of how to combat B.A.D, who were rapidly approaching Silly City. So he used 7 pages of his magical notebook to create a mech out of his own house (with no head needed). He went around the town to warn and get silly refugees to stay in his house. Some of his neighbors and some local storeowners went to his house to take shelter. In total, there were 5 of them, including Tudou. Each of them would control a limb of the mech. The mech was able to grab The Beast, but he just wriggled out of it's fist and destroyed the mech's knee. The mech was rendered immobilized. They were all kept prisoner in the Temple of the Beast until the end of the war.

In the epilogue, Tudou was now drawing money to pay to repair his destroyed house and sell the scrap of the mech, making thousands of dollars. Soon after, he decided to make a gallery so everyone could see his art.


  • Tudou does not have a confirmed nationality. According to Big Poo, he said "Wait, is that the Japanese cat who drew the art from that website?" implying he may canonically be Japanese. Although, his name is Chinese for potato, hinting at him being Chinese.
  • The creator of his magical notebook is unknown, but is thought that it was created with intervention by the divine.