Silly Cat TV Series Wiki


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Silly Cat TV Series Wiki

Bentley is a silly kitty born at the beginning of the universe. He is also the archrival of Billy. He was part of a group, known by The Black Book of Silly Magic as, The Esoteric Council.


Bentley was born at the beginning of time, but he does not remember anything from that era. This is because he rejected The Esoteric Council by manifesting into a physical body. Bentley was bored on his existence on Silly Planet, so he founded a farming company. In it, he grew watermelons. He also grew Melon Cat's as well.

One day when he was farming, a kitty named Billy walked over. Billy asked if he needed any help. Bentley was having a hard day, so he declined. Billy insisted, but Bentley didn't let up and kicked out of his barn with a crowbar. This would begin Bentley and Billy's rivalry. They fought and fought, but Bentley always succeeded because of his knowledge of silly magic. He had this knowledge through his experience on The Esoteric Council.

In one of their fights, Billy retreated down the river and into the forbidden cave. Billy accidentally knocked into a boulder and the boulder unleashed The Beast and The Yeast, who had been trapped in the cave to protect civilization. Billy had caused doom among the universe. Finally, in one of their fights, Bentley defeated Billy by striking him in the knee, rendering him paralyzed. Later Billy and Bentley had sons. Bentley had Armoured Cat and Billy had Bubble Cat.

Their rivalry continued into their children. Bentley tried to prevent his son from attacking Bubble Cat by locking him in his barn, but Armoured Cat escaped and was killed by Bubble Cat. Bentley is still alive to this day, tending to his watermelons. Billy on the other hand, died because of his own son.

In real life[]

In real life, Bentley is known as Takeru. He gained notoriety because of several edits that made him look like an alien.

Soon after that, Bentley became an inside joke in the DOOM Eternal and DOOM 2016 modding communities, with various edits, mods, and memes being posted to the DOOM 2016+ Modding Discord server frequently.

The first ever post about Takeru was named "Hey! i found you" (translated to English).


  • He likes staring deep into people's souls for an unknown reason
  • He likes watermelons
