The Almanga Jungle is a stretch of jungle west of Silly City. The jungle is also home to the infamous Temple of the Beast.
The Almanga Jungle was created thousands of years ago due to the tectonic shifts of Silly Planet. To the northwest is the region of the Silly West. To the southwest is the rather unexplored region of Pensparce. To the south is a large lake that is constantly covered in a thick layer of fog. The Almanga Jungle sits comfortably between all of these regions. The other regions besides Silly Country have no access to it because of steep cliffs bordering each side. For many years the jungle was too dangerous to conquer, with the exception of one mysterious group.
The group wore cloaks and fashioned a temple that would be called the Temple of the Beast. It was created to worship evil in the world. Besides this, the jungle lay dormant for centuries. This would change with the War of the Silly and Unsilly. After the Insane Army defeated the Sorrowers they retreated and tried to find a place to set up camp. They thought a jungle would be the perfect place to set up their camp. Unexpectedly, contrary to rumors, the Insane Army thrived in the jungle. They lived off of the land, meaning that they didn't have to have a supply chain.
Months later, the Sorrowers tried felt confident that they could defeat the Insane Army. They launched an invasion on the Almanga Jungle. This would be called the Battle of the Almanga Jungle. This would be known as the worst part of the war for them as they had come unprepared for the Insane Army's guerilla warfare tactics. It wasn't a battle, it was a slaughter. Some particularly psychotic members of the Insane Army even ate some enemy soldiers. The Sorrowers were ordered to retreat by their commander but they were picked off one by one. The Sorrowers had a 65% loss of their numbers.
Later in the war, the Insane Army retreated out of their jungle to fight in the Battle of No Man's Land, but they were destroyed there. They ended up having to sell all of their supplies to make up for their crippling debt. Now, the Almanga Jungle stays relatively intact, and it stands as a testament to time.